A Car Speedometer Has a 4% Uncertainty. What Is the Range of Possible Speeds When It Reads 100 Km/h?

Speed and Velocity

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What's the departure between ii identical objects traveling at unlike speeds? Near everyone knows that the i moving faster (the i with the greater speed) will get farther than the ane moving slower in the aforementioned amount of time. Either that or they'll tell you that the one moving faster will get where it's going sooner than the slower one. Whatever speed is, information technology involves both distance and time. "Faster" means either "further" (greater distance) or "sooner" (less fourth dimension).

Doubling 1's speed would mean doubling i'southward distance traveled in a given amount of time. Doubling one'due south speed would also hateful halving the time required to travel a given altitude. If you know a little virtually mathematics, these statements are meaningful and useful. (The symbol v is used for speed because of the association between speed and velocity, which will be discussed shortly.)

  • Speed is directly proportional to distance when time is constant: v ∝s (t abiding)
  • Speed is inversely proportional to time when distance is constant: v ∝ 1 t (south constant)

Combining these ii rules together gives the definition of speed in symbolic grade.

☞ This is not the final definition.

Don't like symbols? Well then, here's some other mode to define speed. Speed is the rate of modify of distance with time.

In club to calculate the speed of an object we must know how far it'south gone and how long it took to get in that location. "Farther" and "sooner" correspond to "faster". Let'southward say you drove a auto from New York to Boston. The distance past road is roughly 300 km (200 miles). If the trip takes four hours, what was your speed? Applying the formula above gives…

v = s  ≈ 300 km  = 75 km/h
t iv 60 minutes

This is the answer the equation gives the states, but how correct is information technology? Was 75 kph the speed of the auto? Yep, of course information technology was… Well, peradventure, I guess… No, it couldn't have been the speed. Unless you alive in a world where cars have some kind of exceptional cruise control and traffic flows in some platonic manner, your speed during this hypothetical journey must certainly have varied. Thus, the number calculated above is non the speed of the car, it's the average speed for the entire journeying. In order to emphasize this signal, the equation is sometimes modified every bit follows…

The bar over the 5 indicates an average or a mean and the (delta) symbol indicates a change. Read information technology as "vee bar is delta ess over delta tee". This is the quantity we calculated for our hypothetical trip.

In contrast, a motorcar'southward speedometer shows its instantaneous speed, that is, the speed determined over a very small interval of time — an instant. Ideally this interval should be as shut to goose egg every bit possible, merely in reality nosotros are express by the sensitivity of our measuring devices. Mentally, however, information technology is possible to imagine calculating average speed over always smaller fourth dimension intervals until we take effectively calculated instantaneous speed. This idea is written symbolically as…

or, in the linguistic communication of calculus speed is the first derivative of distance with respect to fourth dimension.

If you haven't dealt with calculus, don't sweat this definition too much. At that place are other, simpler ways to find the instantaneous speed of a moving object. On a distance-time graph, speed corresponds to slope and thus the instantaneous speed of an object with non-constant speed can be plant from the slope of a line tangent to its bend. We'll deal with that later in this volume.


In club to summate the speed of an object we need to know how far it's gone and how long information technology took to get there. A wise person would then ask…

What practice you mean by how far? Do yous desire the distance or the deportation?

A wise person, once upon a fourth dimension

Your choice of answer to this question determines what you calculate — speed or velocity.

  • Boilerplate speed is the charge per unit of change of altitude with fourth dimension.
  • Average velocity is the rate of change of deportation with time.

And for the calculus people out there…

  • Instantaneous speed is the first derivative of altitude with respect to time.
  • Instantaneous velocity is the outset derivative of displacement with respect to fourth dimension.

Speed and velocity are related in much the same manner that distance and displacement are related. Speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector. Speed gets the symbol 5 (italic) and velocity gets the symbol v (boldface). Average values get a bar over the symbol.


Displacement is measured along the shortest path between 2 points and its magnitude is e'er less than or equal to the distance. The magnitude of deportation approaches distance equally distance approaches zippo. That is, distance and deportation are effectively the same (have the same magnitude) when the interval examined is "pocket-sized". Since speed is based on distance and velocity is based on displacement, these ii quantities are effectively the aforementioned (accept the same magnitude) when the time interval is "small-scale" or, in the language of calculus, the magnitude of an object's average velocity approaches its average speed as the fourth dimension interval approaches zero.

The instantaneous speed of an object is then the magnitude of its instantaneous velocity.

5 = |v|

Speed tells you how fast. Velocity tells you how fast and in what direction.


Speed and velocity are both measured using the same units. The SI unit of measurement of distance and deportation is the meter. The SI unit of time is the 2nd. The SI unit of measurement of speed and velocity is the ratio of two — the meter per second.

m  = k

s due south

This unit is but rarely used outside scientific and academic circles. Most people on this planet measure speeds in kilometer per 60 minutes (km/h or kph). The United States is an exception in that we use the older mile per hour (mi/h or mph). Let'due south make up one's mind the conversion factors then that we can relate speeds measured in g/southward with the more familiar units.

1 kph = 1 km g m one hr
1 hour 1 km 3600 s
1 kph = 0.2777… g/southward ≈ ¼ thou/s
1 mph = i mile 1609 m ane 60 minutes
1 hour one mile 3600 s
i mph = 0.4469… m/s ≈ ½ thousand/s

The decimal values shown above are authentic to four significant digits, but the fractional values should only be considered rules of thumb (1 kph is really more like 2 7  m/s than 1 4  m/s and 1 mph is more similar four nine  1000/s than 1 2  1000/s).

The ratio of whatsoever unit of distance to whatever unit of time is a unit of speed.

  • The speeds of ships, planes, and rockets are often stated in knots. 1 knot is one nautical mile per 60 minutes — a nautical mile being 1852 m or 6076 feet and an hour being 3600 s. NASA nevertheless reports the speed of its rockets in knots and their downrange distance in nautical miles. I knot is approximately 0.5144 grand/south.
  • The slowest speeds are measured over the longest time periods. The continental plates pitter-patter across the surface of the Earth at the geologically tedious rate of i–10cm/year or 1–xm/century — well-nigh the aforementioned speed that fingernails and hair grow.
  • Audio cassette tape travels at one⅞ inches per second (ips). When magnetic tape was starting time invented, it was spooled on to open up reels like motion picture picture. These early reel-to-reel record recorders ran the tape through at fifteen ips. Later models could besides record at half this speed (vii½ ips) and then one-half of that (3¾ ips) and and then some at half of that (i⅞ ips). When the audio cassette standard was being formulated, it was decided that the terminal of these values would be sufficient for the new medium. I inch per 2d is exactly 0.0254 g/due south past definition.

Sometimes, the speed of an object is described relative to the speed of something else; preferably some concrete phenomenon.

  • Aerodynamics is the report of moving air and how objects interact with it. In this field, the speed of an object is often measured relative to the speed of sound. This ratio is known as the Mach number. The speed of sound is roughly 295 1000/south (660 mph) at the altitude at which commercial jet aircraft ordinarily fly. The now decommissioned British Airways and Air France supersonic Concorde cruised at 600 m/s (1340 mph). Simple division shows that this speed is roughly twice the speed of audio or Mach 2.0, which is exceptionally fast. A Boeing 777, in comparison, cruises at 248 thousand/s (555 mph) or Mach 0.viii, which only seems ho-hum in comparing to the Concorde.
  • The speed of calorie-free in a vacuum is divers in the SI system to exist 299,792,458 m/s (about a billion km/h). This is usually stated with a more reasonable precision every bit 3.00 × x8 m/southward. The speed of low-cal in a vacuum is assigned the symbol c (italic) when used in an equation and c (roman) when used as a unit. The speed of light in a vacuum is a universal limit, so real objects always motion slower than c. It is used frequently in particle physics and the astronomy of distant objects. The most distant observed objects are quasars; curt for "quasi-stellar radio objects". They are visually like to stars (the prefix quasi means resembling) only emit far more energy than any star possibly could. They prevarication at the edges of the appreciable universe and are rushing away from usa at incredible speeds. The most distant quasars are moving away from us at nearly 0.9 c. By the way, the symbol c was chosen not because the speed of lite is a universal constant (which it is) but because it is the first letter of the Latin give-and-take for swiftness — celeritas.
Selected speeds (slowest to fastest)
k/s km/h device, result, phenomenon, process
10−9~x−8 continental plates, pilus growth, fingernail growth
10−4 human sperm cells
x−3 snails
0.013 0.045 ketchup pouring from a canteen
10−1 sloths, tortoises, turtles
0.65–one.29 2.34–4.64 cockroaches
1 3.6 nerve impulses, unmyelinated cells
1 3.vi ocean currents
0.06–ane.14 0.22–4.x manatees
ane.3 4.eight human, typical walking step
2.391 8.608 fastest human: swimming (César Cielo)
viii 30 maximum comfortable lift speed
ten twoscore dolphins, porpoises, whales
10 40 falling raindrops
ten.422 37.520 fastest human: running (Usain Bolt)
12 43 stadium wave
12 44 champagne cork
15.223 54.803 fastest human: ice skating (Pavel Kulizhnikov)
20 lxx rabbits, hares, horses, greyhounds, tuna, sharks
30 100 typical freeway speed limit
33 118 cheetahs
34.42 123.nine fastest human: softball pitch (Monica Abbott)
40 140 falling hailstones
42.47 152.9 fastest human being: flying disc throw (Simon Lizotte)
46.98 169.i fastest human: baseball pitch (Aroldis Chapman)
55 200 terminal velocity of a typical skydiver
70.8217 254.958 fastest human being: skiing (Ivan Origone)
73.06 263 fastest human: lawn tennis serve (Sam Groth)
fourscore 290 peregrine falcon in a dive
82 295 very fast golf ball
82.211 296.00 fastest human: cycling (Denise Korenek Mueller)
33–83 120–300 hurricane, maximum sustained wind speed
30–90 105–330 tornado, maximum sustained wind speed
100 360 nerve impulses, myelinated cells
113.2 407.v maximum surface wind gust (Barrow Island, Australia)
118.3 426 fastest human: badminton nail (Mads Pieler Kolding)
124.22 447.19 fastest street-legal automobile (Koenigsegg Agera RS)
142.89 511.11 fastest ship (Spirit of Australia)
159.7 574.8 fastest train (Railroad train à Grande Vitesse)
168.249 605.697 fastest motorcycle (Top 1 Ack Attack)
200 700 tsunami
250 900 commercial jet airplane
331 1,190 speed of sound in air, STP
340 1,225 speed of audio in air, sea level
341.4031 ane,229.051 fastest experimental car (Thrust SSC)
343 1,235 speed of sound in air, room temperature
377.i 1,357.half-dozen fastest human: skydiving (Felix Baumgartner)
980.433 3,529.56 fastest airplane (SR-71 Blackbird)
180–1,200 650–4,400 bullets
i,500 five,400 speed of sound in water
2,000 half-dozen,000 seismic waves
six,900 25,000 detonation velocity of TNT
8,000 29,000 space shuttle in orbit
11,094 39,938 fastest manned spacecraft (Apollo 10)
11,180 40,250 escape velocity on the surface of the Earth
xiii,900 50,400 New Horizons space probe
15,400 55,400 Voyager 2 space probe
17,000 61,200 Voyager 1 space probe
29,790 107,200 Earth in orbit
190,000 690,000 fastest unmanned spacecraft (Parker Solar Probe)
248,000 892,000 Sun moving through the Milky way
300,000 i,100,000 solar air current near earth
370,000 i,330,000 Milky Manner through the cosmic microwave groundwork
sixty,000,000 216,000,000 Projection Starshot, proposed interstellar space probe
124,000,000 446,000,000 speed of light in diamond
225,000,000 810,000,000 speed of light in water
299,792,369 1,079,252,530 protons and antiprotons in the Tevatron, Fermilab
299,792,455 1,079,252,840 protons in the Big Hadron Collider, CERN
299,792,458 1,079,252,850 speed of low-cal in a vacuum

No status is permanent.


Source: https://physics.info/velocity/

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